表現するという行為は、誰のものなのでしょうか?何かを表現するということは、限られた人に許された行為ではなく、無意識のうちに誰もが行っていることです。その人にとっては切実な習慣や愛着、ささやかなこだわりが、他の人にとって “表現” として発見されることもあります。そんなアール・ブリュットの特徴を踏まえ、人や動物、植物、機械など、性質の異なる主体の恊働によるさまざまな表現を通して、表現のはじまりやそこにある他者との関係性のかたちを改めて見つめる展覧会です。
Does creative expression belong only to a select few? Creative expression is not an act limited to artists and special individuals but it is something we all do unconsciously.Sometimes, our earnest habits, emotional attachments, or trivial obsessions can become a “creative expression” when seen through the eyes of another. Moreover, some creative expressions are made spontaneously on their own while others are made possible through the presence of another person. In our daily lives we form relationships with others, and this is also inevitable when it comes to expressing ourselves creatively. And our world does not consist only of the relationships between human beings. Observing acts of expression by humans, animals, plants, and machines working together, this exhibition explores the origin of expression and the forms of relationships involved.